Stepping Forward

Exodus 14:19

Travel back in time and gaze upon a vast expanse of water flowing in front of you.

Freedom has been granted. Elation of a future full of hope occupies your mind as gold bangles from persecutors adorn your wrists. The journey up until this point has been mind-bending and exhausting. Yet with each moment of anticipation of the unknown you could feel a change in the air. A change from dark to light.

What if…

What if the prophet was…

What if the prophet was leading you to freedom.

What if the prophet was leading you to freedom only to allow you to be devoured by ferocious waters.

Hope gained. Hope crushed.

The leading pillar seems to be abandoning.

This can’t be happening!


Thunderous hooves announce approaching doom.

Hold firm a moment longer. Hold the line. Hold the panic, release trust. He who controls the pillar, who controls the water – He has a plan.

Gaze upward again. The cloud hovers above. It glides over the masses seeking freedom and secures a place behind you. A barrier between light and dark has been established.

The pillar which was leading is now protecting.

The path ahead seems inconceivable with water as a roadblock too vast to consider. Only one option remains, forward.

Dear one, move forward. He who created the world, who created you, who loves you – seeks you to move forward.

Hear the rushing of water, feel the tremble of the earth, watch the miracle before you.

Not in your timing, but in His.

The waters will part.

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