The Alphabetical Roadway

Availability of Information: The Alphabetical Roadway-A to Z Challenge

I’ve seen an online presence of bloggers tackling the alphabet during the month of April. A theme is selected and each day a new post is based upon the letter of the day. Hmm, it has me thinking. Why not? I will make my attempt and see where it leads. The option to pull out the “C” card for “I am crazy, this must cease.” can be played at any moment.

Education will be the theme that propels me down this alphabetical roadway. So, start your guesses as to how far I’ll go. Will I see the circular “O” cross my path? Will the elusive slingshot shape of “Y” enter my horizon? But, before I can be graced with the presence of “Z”, we must start at the beginning with “A”.

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