Science Object Lessons for Young Children {FREE eBook}

If you are like me, many science lessons full of dry facts induce a yawn reflex. Seeing it in action, interacting-that’s where the action is! Of course, easier said than done. Leading little ones to understand and scientifically observe the world around them can be made, as I say, over-technical. I like easy. I like simple. I also like to avoid shopping for expensive supplies.

Science Object Lessons for Young Children {Free eBook}


Enter the “Object Lessons for Infants by Vincent Thomas Murché”  e-book, (young children seems more appropriate than infants) a nice introduction to observational skills and basic science concepts for little ones. Even though it’s beyond the scope of my 4th grader, I wanted to share these science object lessons with you due to their simplicity. I’ve looked it over and the observational skills used are outstanding! The book starts out with perceptions by teaching line drawings and morphs into colors, textures and taste using short inquiry lessons. The short and easy lessons then guide you through plants, common objects, parts of the body, animals and more! Nothing fancy, just learning with questions and discussions.

Below are some sample pages of this book so you can get a feel of what is inside. Click on an image to be taken to its corresponding page.




Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
Drawing a Line: Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)



Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
Lesson about Tree Lesson: Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)



Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
Rain Lesson: Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)



Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
Animal Lesson: Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)



Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
Items Needed for Each Lesson: Object Lessons for Infants-Vincent Thomas Murché (Google ebook)
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