My Child is Not a Number

My Child is Not a Number

Paper. Small white circles. Tiny letters embedded within.

Scent of a number two pencil. Clock ticking in background.
Childhood shortened.

You have just entered the world of a standardized test. A world in which a child is not given an identity, but a number. A world in which testing companies are rolling in the money. A world of cheating scandals. This is not the world that I want for my child. Life will thrust these tests upon her, but as for now, she has been spared.

I am one to proclaim that testing does have it merits. Some circumstances make it necessary. However, there is a difference between a standardized test given to the masses and a test given to an individual. A test to the masses is limited. A test to an individual is limitless.

Bubbles filled in can only assess facts. Verbal responses, body language, change in tone, creative expression…they share thoughts that are deeply embedded within. I want to know the soul of my child, not her number. I seek more than her math or reading scores. These are indeed important, but more things are just as important. Does she see beauty in the world? Does she have compassion for humanity? There is not a bubble form large enough to assess those ideals.

I have seen geniuses lay waste to life. Failing students realize their potential later in life. Determined students seize life abundantly. A test score was not their magical fortune teller. Inner strength, love of learning…this determined their success.

I’m not anti-test, but pro-student. Let’s assess wisely and see the human on the other side of the number. I am looking outside the number box, are you?

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