Homeschool Schedule: Week of Jan. 28th

Snow Day

White flakes filled the sky as we celebrated our first Snow Day last week. We ate pizza in front of the fireplace, researched birds, picked out our favorite animal cards from the Fact File, watched videos from the Macaulay Library and had a great time.

A couple of Disney movies might have found their way into our day also. I was all into the rest, watch movies and eat concept-but despite my vision of a Snow Day, learning was front and center.

I also realized that in the excitement of a Snow Day-I forgot to take pictures of SNOW! Oh, well. There’s always next time.

Since a Snow Day was enacted, we will be making up missed assignments this week-which might explain repeating links from last week.


Just a reminder:
Ambleside Online is our primary curriculum.
Click on images of text to go to Google Book.


Napoleon and Canova: Eight Conversations
Napoleon and Canova: Eight Conversations
McGuffey Reader: Story about George Washington
McGuffey Reader: Story about George Washington Finish Part 2 – Google eBook


Just So Stories: How the First Letter was Written
Just So Stories: How the First Letter was Written

Natural History/Science

  • Salt vs. Sugar Experiments-melting point, freezing point.
  • Mother Westwind “why” stories-“Why Reddy Fox Wears Red
The stars and their stories: a book for young people
The stars and their stories: a book for young people



  • The Golden Treasury of Poetry
    • The Eagle-Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • Bird at Dawn-Harold Monro
    • The Blackbird-Dinah Mulock Craik
    • Oriole-Edgar Fawcett
    • The Hummingbird-Emily Dickinson


Pieter de Hoochl- Woman Peeling Apples, c. 1663, Wallace Collection, London


Giacomo Puccini: “O Soave Fancuilla” and “Quando M’en Vo” from La Boheme


La Bohème: Four acts
La Bohème: Four acts – Google eBook




Hymn Study

Hymn Stories
Hymn Stories-Little Fred’s Wish


Handwriting Worksheet Creator

  • And she would take him upon her lap and sing to him, or tell him stories that filled his mind with pictures of wonderful and beautiful things. And the next day, when he went back to the stoneyard, he would try to make some of those pictures in stone or clay.
  • All fell to lapping up the water as fast as they could. But though they drank and drank until, one after another, all of them had burst with drinking, still, for all their effort, the water in the river remained as high as ever.
  • The Bear lost his temper in an instant, and sprang upon the log tooth and claw, to destroy the nest. But this only brought out the whole swarm. The poor Bear had to take to his heels, and he was able to save himself only by diving into a pool of water.
  • With these views he started for the hollow tree in which the Crickets had taken shelter, and soon reached it, for he travelled the whole way in bounds. And the last bound took him fairly into the midst of the family circle, in which indeed he alighted with more vivacity than politeness, for his cousins did not like such startling gaiety.
  • Taffy sat down too, with her toes in the water and her chin in her hand, and thought very hard. Then she said—’I say, Daddy, it’s an awful nuisance that you and I don’t know how to write, isn’t it? If we did we could send a message for the new spear.”



  • Logic Problems
  • Sequences. Rules.
  • Equations, inequalities.
  • Money

Math Drill


Spelling Drill


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