Homeschool Schedule: Week of Jan. 14th

Last week’s study of Verdi was incredible! Opera filled our home on a daily basis as we discussed its origin and meaning. I must confess, I was resistant to the thought of opera-eek-but after reading about the life of Verdi our excitement grew. We even added a Pandora channel entitled “Verdi”.

Ambleside Online is our primary curriculum.
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Natural History/Science

Mother West Wind "why" stories
Read Chapter 1


Cepheus and Cassiopeia
Discuss Greek Myth: Cepheus and Cassiopeia



  • The Golden Treasury of Poetry
    • The Lamb-William Blake
    • Mary’s Lamb-Sarah Josepha Hale
    • Young Lambs-John Clark
    • The Tiger-William Blake
    • Leviathan-Louis Untermeyer 


Jacob van Ruisdael-Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede, c. 1670, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Jacob van Ruisdael
Read pgs. 29-35


Giuseppe Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi biography
Biography: Read pgs. 80-90



Hymn Study

Hymn Stories
Hymn Stories-Read Chapter 2


Handwriting Worksheet Creator

  • The long line of soldiers and horses and cannon stretched for twenty miles. When they came to a steep place where there seemed to be no way to go farther, the trumpets sounded “Charge!” Then every man did his best, and the whole army moved right onward.
  • To distinguish themselves from the soldiers in the ranks, the new leaders proudly bound on their heads lofty crests and ornaments of feathers or straw. Then after long preparation of the Mouse army in all the ants of war, they sent a challenge to the Weasels.
  • But the “porter” was a huge Dog whom the Wolf knew by painful experience to be very unkind toward wolves. So he decided not to wait and made off as fast as his legs could carry him.
  • After a while, soft gray clouds began to cover the sky. “I wonder,” said Mrs. Robin, “if it will rain before we get this done. The mud is soft enough now to work well, and this place is so open that the rain might easily wash away all that we have done.”
  • But the poor deserted little baby was found by a shepherd. She was richly dressed, and had with her some jewels, and a paper was pinned to her cloak, saying that her name was Perdita, and that she came of noble parents.



  • Logic Problems
  • Sequences. Rules.
  • Equations, inequalities.
  • Money

Math Drill


Spelling Drill

  • Random words from Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading

Thanks for checking out our weekly schedule!

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