Fresh Beginnings with a Diligent Heart: A New School Year

A new school year arrives. Lesson plans are pristine. Pencils sharp. Markers with caps intact. Sips of warm coffee greet sunbeams on the wall while hope fills the air. Calmly, books are rearranged as everything is neat and in its place. Everything is quiet.

A sound. A yawn. Eager to share scholarship and start anew, you greet tousled hair and PJs with a special morning treat. Be it pancakes, pastries or grapes arranged in a heart-you envision a day of beautifully constructed memories. The morning runs smoothly. Laughter is shared, contagious. All is well.

Then it happens. Reality. As simple becomes complex, frustration walks in the door. It carries a package of tears, wears a coat of failure, seeks defeat. It is allowed into the room. It grows with each moment overpowering desires of peace, destroying hope. Sunbeams recede into corners as darkness overtakes.

A moment of truth arises. You stand firm on your dreams. Just because you allowed frustration entry does not mean it must take up residence.


Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)


Everything stops. A choice is made. The moment is yours.

A change in technique. A restructuring of style. You own the moment. Frustration senses your growing power and cowers toward the door. With a slam you send it back into the darkness from which it came.

You mentally note its entryway for it has many paths to pull you into its domain. It seeks the door of your heart, the window of your soul and attempts to breach your mind.

Keep your heart diligent, be in constant alert.

Breathe deeply. A new moment approaches.

Grace arrives.

Proverbs 4: 23 KJV



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