Endings can be sad, rewarding, exciting or even uneventful. Today marks several endings for me. No monumental shout from the rafters type of endings, but silent emotionally zealous endings.
End of Classroom Teaching (I thought)
It was about this time last year that my secret was revealed and our intent to homeschool became known. An ending that offered rewards greater than I could have possibly imagined. An ending I thought also led to another, the ending of teaching in a classroom. God had other plans for me.
End of Nature Study at Co-op
He placed me back into teaching. Not only teaching my own child, but others. My Nature Study students at co-op were phenomenal, brilliant, inquisitive and any other adjective of excellence you can add. As today ended our Spring semester, I stand in wonder at how I was granted the privilege to teach them. I don’t think anyone saw my misty eyes as I watched the end of year slideshow-I’m pretty good at hiding that sort of thing.
Not only has Co-op come to an end, but our homeschool year is near its end.
End of Homeschool Year
As I pause to reflect upon the journey we have undertaken, I see how far we have come. The days of timid handwriting are over, the era of fearful reading has concluded. Sad memories of past events are replaced with confidence, bravery and love of learning. At times the start of this journey seems to fade in view, it seems so long ago as we have made such progress. Progress we will continue as a new semester greets us in the weeks ahead.
End of the A to Z Challenge
As our homeschool semester concludes, I also conclude The Alphabetical Roadway. Each day I set aside time to write. Each day my handsome husband would be my brave editor and correct my endless errors while offering suggestions for improvement. If you really liked a post, you can thank him. If you didn’t, then I ran out of time to have him edit fully.
Some days the words flowed, some days I merely stared at a blinking cursor. Regardless, this experience taught me that half of the writing battle is won if you just show up. Show up and….
- Turn on the computer.
- Sit.
- Write gibberish and hope for a miracle.
- Realize the gibberish sometimes makes sense.
- If hopeless, delete entire idea and start over. The battle is still being won.
- If lost, stare at cursor and remind yourself that writing is more fun than doing dishes.
- Clean up gibberish.
- Clean it up again.
- …and again…
- Announce to anyone in room that you are done. Loudly! With a shout!
- Turn it in. Publish it. Press submit. Let the world see your art. It’s not art if it’s not shared.
Endings forming Beginnings
Our homeschool journey has just begun. I’m excited about new opportunities, planning curriculum and gazing ahead into the horizon. It might have seemed like boulders were placed on our path at times; however God took them, crushed them and created a new path for us. In His grace, we walk onward.