6 Homeschool Freedoms We Cherish

The part I love most about homeschooling- Freedom. We have freedom unimaginable to those who travel the hallways of a locker lined world. Not only can we gaze upon the clouds, feel the sun soothe our soul, but there is more…much more.

Six Homeschool Freedoms We Cherish


Freedom of textbooks.

Dry words on stale pages do not greet us each day. Living books breathe the world into us. Understanding, not merely passing-the-next-test is our objective. Textbooks have their place, but do not rule our world.


Freedom of curriculum.

We are not bound and committed to obeying the rules and regulations of a set curriculum. If a topic is deemed unworthy, unnecessary or untimely-it will be deposed of or shifted to another day.


Freedom of flexible schedule.

On day 42 I am unconcerned if we are on page 33 answering question 21. I do not have to fear that at 10:32 am the topic of proper punctuation usage must fill the air.


Freedom of location.

Four walls do not confine us. Our classroom is the world. We move effortlessly between Home, Church, Library, Nature, Co-op, Taekwondo and other activities without fear that we left our hall pass in the bathroom.


Freedom of language.

As we travel from English to Math we do not have to dodge a four letter word uttered for all to hear. We don’t have to move to the side as a fight erupts from those words. Music fills our home, not the learning of an a unwanted language.


Freedom of Faith.

We celebrate our Creator seeking Him daily. We stand in amazement at His wonders while gaining a glimpse into the enormity of the universe we live in. An enormous, beautiful creation, full of learning opportunities that is bidding us to come and explore.

I know there are some schools fighting fiercely to give their students these freedoms, but their numbers are few. Our freedoms are not taken lightly, we cherish our school day and protect it’s boundaries. We protect and honor the opportunities that we have been given for we know that all gifts come from our Creator who loves us.


What freedoms are you thankful for in your Homeschool?

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